Our Governing Board team commit time and energy to ensure that Treales CE Primary School promotes the well being of every child in a safe and nurturing environment with community cohesion. The core functions of the board are:
· ensuring clarity of our Christian vision
· holding leaders at all levels to account
· ensuring school finances are well spent
to make sure that all at Treales CE Primary School flourish.
The Governing Body
Our Governing Body is a key part of our school leadership and support the headteacher and staff in the strategic direction of the school.
Each term the governing body meet as full committee and as sub committees. Sub Committees who meet are Ethos Committee, Standards and Effectvienes Committee (SEC) and Resources Committee. Ethos Committee meet to monitor and discuss the Christian Distinctiveness of the school and the partnership between Christ Church Treales, Treales CE Primary School and the wider community. Standards and Effectvoeness Commtiee received and review reports on all aspects of academic achievement, SEND and inclusion, attendance, admissions, pupil and staff welfare. Resources Committee are responsible for the financial stabilty of the school, including staffing, and health and safety including the maintenance the buildings and grounds.
Chair of Ethos Committee - Janet Roberts
Clerk - Nicholas Mitchison
Chair of Standards and Effectiveness Committee - Katherine Greenhalgh
Clerk - Elizabeth Pickervance
Chair of Resources Committee - Elizabeth Pickervance
Clerk -